Infant, Toddler, and Life Skills Lab
Participate in our Research!
Access to Autism Diagnostic & Support Services in Sacramento
We seek to understand the current state of autism diagnostic and early intervention services in the Sacramento region. We are looking to interview caregivers of neurodivergent children about their experiences. Interviews will last approximately 1.5 hours and caregivers will be compensated with a $50 gift card.
Caregivers must be (a) at least 18 years old and (b) care for a neurodivergent child currently enrolled in early intervention services.
Download our flyer to complete our eligibility survey!
Understanding Children's Preferences
We seek to understand the best ways to determine children's preferences (i.e., what they like). Participation is approximately 1 hour long and will help us understand if indicators of preference change as children develop.
Children 6 months to 10 years old are eligible to participate.
Early Communication & Other Life Skills
Do you want to improve your child's communication?
Promoting early social communication skills, even for children as young as two-month-old, can improve child development (e.g., meeting CDC milestones) and reduce undesirable behaviors, like crying. Not only can promoting communication (babbling, infant sign language) improve other pivotal skills (like eye contact, social skills), but it also provide families with the tools they need to reduce how often their child cries to communicate.